Friday, August 02, 2013

Resilient as Rasputin

We have tried to kill our butterfly bush. Several times. . .but never on purpose.  We have hacked away the dead branches until it was back to a nub and thought, "yeah, this time we killed it for sure."  And it always springs back and goes all crazy like a bad perm on a humid day.  It is as resilient as Rasputin.

                                              Watercolor on paper 10x7
The butterfly bush is the center of our backyard and since we have planted a "squirrel proof" bird feeder, it is the center of all bird activity.   I enjoy watching the cardinals, chickadees, finches and morning doves as they feed throughout the day.  They are a nice respite during a hectic work day. 

This is 11th drawing in the oft mentioned pad bought in Chicago.  I had considered this subject for the 12th and final drawing.  However, for what ever reason this, this image has been front and foremost in my brain for awhile, demanding my attention.  It was almost as if this painting needed to escape my psyche. 

It is also my 28th drawing of the year, tying it with 2005 as my most productive year.

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